Thank you for taking an interest in University of Virginia students! We would love to help you recruit top talent for your organization.

Employers who recruit at the University of Virginia (UVA) must adhere to National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Guidelines and the policies and guidelines laid forth on these pages.

  • Organizations are responsible for the ethical and legal conduct of their representatives throughout the recruiting process, and must assume responsibility for all representations made by authorized representatives
  • Recruiters should be qualified interviewers and informed representatives of their respective organizations. They should respect the legal obligations of the University of Virginia Career Center and request only those services and information that can be legally provided
  • Recruiters should present all relevant information fully and accurately during the recruiting process, and should advise the University of Virginia Career Center of all recruiting-related activities


The University of Virginia Career Center makes its interviewing facilities and job-listing services available to employers who do not unlawfully discriminate in the selection of employees on the basis of national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law. Any employer who makes use of the University facilities or services must agree to abide by this policy and must speak in good faith with students who have signed up for an interview.


In order to manage the potential for event conflicts, we request that employers coordinate visits to Grounds through the Career Center. This process ensures employers are not hosting conflicting events and that events comply with University guidelines and policies. Additionally, we recognize that many organizations may elect to interview through virtual processes or at home offices. If organizations host events on-Grounds (info sessions, coffee chats, workshops), we request that employers follow the offer guidelines listed below.


Exploding (i.e. time-limited) offers and bonuses put enormous pressure on students to make decisions before they have had an opportunity to consider various opportunities. If a student decides to accept your employment offer for a full-time position or an internship within the specified timeframe (i.e. prior to the stated deadline), that is his/her prerogative. In the unfortunate instance when your firm has adhered to these guidelines and a student decides to renege on an offer, please notify the University of Virginia Career Center immediately.

Full-Time Employment

  • Offers to Summer Interns Prior to their Graduation Year
    October 30th or 3 weeks | whichever allows more time
  • Offers to Graduating Students During Fall Recruiting
    October 30th or 3 weeks | whichever allows more time
  • Offers to Graduating Students During Spring Recruiting
    February 15th or 3 weeks | whichever allows more time

Internship and Externship Employment

  • Offers to Summer Interns/Externs Prior to Fall Recruiting
    October 30th or 3 weeks | whichever allows more time
  • Offers to Summer Interns/Externs During Fall Recruiting
    October 30th or 3 weeks | whichever allows more time
  • Offers to Summer Interns/Externs During Spring Recruiting
    February 15th or 3 weeks | whichever allows more time
  • Accelerated Recruitment After Spring Break 2022
    3 weeks


In recent years employers have used more competitive recruiting techniques to hire UVA students such as same-day or next-day second round interviews, abbreviated deadlines for accepting offers, and/or exploding salary bonuses and offers. These techniques create high-pressure, stressful situations for students, occasionally leading to premature employment decisions.

We realize that employers have limited flexibility in offering jobs, but we ask that you refrain from exerting undue pressure. Remember, this is the first time many undergraduate students have been offered a job. We recommend that you allow the process to evolve naturally for each student, and that you remain flexible so that students have a reasonable amount of time to make responsible and informed decisions.


If you are planning to conduct second-round interviews, we ask that you provide maximum flexibility in helping students select interview times. Please consider students' academic commitments and respect their need to honor previously scheduled interviews.

  • Off-site second round interviews | Employers must provide at least 5 business days between a first-round OGI interview and an off-site second round interview
  • On-site second round interviews | Employers should notify the Career Center team in advance of their OGI date that second round interviews will take place the next day. Due to potential scheduling conflicts, employers should strive to accommodate students that have class conflicts for previously scheduled interviews. No Thursday first round/Friday second round interviews will be scheduled.
  • Friday Interviews | No Friday interviews will be scheduled


Organizations recruiting on Grounds for positions that begin twelve or more months from the date of the pre-select activity may begin pre-select activities on March 14, 2022. For example, organizations recruiting for internships that begin in June 2023 may begin pre-select activities on March 14, 2022. Organizations extending offers from accelerated recruitment activities on- or off-Grounds are expected to allow three weeks to decide. Pre-select activities include, but are not limited to, interviews, pre-select coffee chats and pre-select office hours.


Should the University be closed for inclement weather, we will adjust schedules accordingly and communicate with you immediately. Please notify us about any changes regarding the contact information of your recruiting personnel. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.


Serving alcohol should not be part of the recruitment process. This includes information sessions, presentations done on- or off-Grounds, and all events that are company sponsored during the recruiting process. Please refer to UVA’s Alcohol Policy and the NACE alcohol policy(principle 5).

On-Grounds Interviewing

Employers who are hiring candidates for bona fide jobs or internships may interview through UVA's On-Grounds Interview (OGI) Program.  On-Grounds Interviews occur at Bryant Hall at Scott Stadium in the football skyboxes.

On-Grounds Interviewing Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in OGI, employers must adhere to the following:


On Grounds Interviewing and coffee chats take place in the luxury football suites in Scott Stadium. Suites are available on a first come, first served basis.  An employer greeter suite may be used for activities outside of interviews including networking, candidate greeting, and recruiter work space.  Your Account Manager will be able to assist you with requesting a greeter suite.