
PHAP Perspective: Quality over Quantity- Extracurriculars as a Pre-Med Student

Written by Gabrielle Flores, '26

As a pre-med student, I've come to understand that medical school applications weigh more than just grades and test scores; extracurricular activities play a significant role as well. It can feel daunting to balance the demands of challenging coursework with the desire to engage in outside pursuits. Yet, discovering passion and fulfillment during undergraduate years is crucial for future success. I often remind myself that although I strive to move on to higher education and become a physician, I will never get this time in my life back and it is important to be present and enjoy it.

Upon entering UVA, I was eager to immerse myself in a multitude of activities, believing it would lead to success. However, I soon realized that quality outweighs quantity. Thus, I carefully selected two organizations-- Reformed University Fellowship and Madison House Hospital Volunteering-- during my first semester, aligning with my passions beyond the pre-med track. Throughout my life, I've been dedicated to volunteering and my faith, making these choices natural for me.

Each semester, I intentionally add one more extracurricular activity that resonates with me, whether it's involvement in a sorority, the Club Pickleball team, or an organization focused on pediatric oncology. Each of these additions has enriched my college experience in its unique way. Moreover, this deliberate approach not only shapes my identity but also demonstrates my commitment to becoming a physician. Admissions committees often value such diverse interests, as they contribute to a well-rounded applicant profile. 

Maintaining balance is crucial. Prioritizing mental and physical health is extremely important throughout this journey. Engaging in activities that promote exercise, metal well-being, and community service help me stay happy and healthy. By prioritizing self-care, I effectively manage stress and prevent burnout, ensuring I can fully engage in my extracurricular pursuits. 

Diving into extracurricular activities that resonate with your passions not only enriches your personal growth, but also opens doors to invaluable networks and opportunities. By immersing yourself in activities that genuinely interest you, you naturally connect with like-minded individuals who share your enthusiasm. These connections can lead to mentorship opportunities, internships, and even research positions, all of which are highly regarded by medical school admissions committees. Moreover, active involvement in extracurriculars fosters meaningful relationships with professors, advisors, and community leaders who can provide guidance and support. These relationships can translate into strong letters of recommendation, highlighting not only your academic prowess but also your character, dedication, and leadership qualities, all of which are essential attributes for success in medical school and beyond.

In essence, while academic excellence in essential, it's the breadth and depth of experiences that truly set applicants apart. By carefully curating my extracurricular involvement and prioritizing wellbeing, I am not only preparing for a successful future, but also savoring the journey along the way.

Action Steps: 

  • Check out all of the activities UVA has to offer here!
  • Utilize resources to manage your time from Christy Rotman, UVA College Life Skills coach.