Terri DiCintio
Terri DiCintio
Coordinator, Internship Placement Program
UVA Career Center

As the Internship Placement Program Coordinator/Associate, Terri is part of the team that connects students with over 300 internships in the Charlottesville community annually, through targeted recruitment, individual interviews, and placement with participating organizations and companies.

Prior to joining the UVA Career Center in September 2017, Terri was the Academic Programs Manager for the UVA University Internship Program (the precursor to IPP) at the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service.  She brings community perspective and career preparation strategies from 25 years’ experience in volunteer and intern management in the Charlottesville community through such organizations as the International Rescue Committee, Local Food Hub, UVA Health System, and MACAA.  Prior to that, she was a primary school teacher.  Terri is dedicated to supporting students as they plan and prepare for their post college pursuits, both personal and professional.

Terri is an alumna of Guilford College, where she earned a B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Psychology.  Terri is a proud native New Yorker and crazy cat lady.  She enjoys travel, movies, books, theater, wine, and all things Italian.  In fact, Terri serves as the Liaison between Charlottesville and its Italian Sister City, Poggio a Caiano, and Co-Chairs the Charlottesville Sister Cities Commission.

B.S. in Early Childhood Education and Psychology, Guilford College

1815 Stadium Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903
