Nathan Hunsaker
Nathan Hunsaker
Associate Director of Technology, Data, and Marketing
UVA Career Center

As the Associate Director for Technology, Data and Marketing, Nathan designs, implements and improves the computing environment of the Career Center.  This includes the software products used by students as they work toward their career goals, the technology that underpins them, and the marketing initiatives that help students chart a path toward career, using the technology products provided. Nathan also keeps an eye on the trends of CareerEdTech and beyond, with the goal of keeping UVA Career Center technology fresh and engaging.

Prior to joining the UVA Career Center in August 2015, Nathan had worked in IT infrastructure for 11 years.

Western Governor's University - B.S. Information Technology Security
Utah State University - B.A. Interdisciplinary Studies

1815 Stadium Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903
