
Class of 2028: Pre-Health Advising Guide to Orientation & Your First Semester

Pre-Health Hoos in the Class of 2028, 

Welcome from the Pre-Health Advising Team! We look forward to working with you on your pre-health* path starting now and continuing through your future application to a health professions program. This summer, we will make sure you’re on track for the first semester. Then in the fall, you will attend a Pre-Health Class of 2028 Meeting which will prepare you for the next four years at UVA.  

*We use the term “Pre-Health” to include future clinical careers in Medicine, Dentistry, PA, PT, OT, Optometry, Pharmacy, Podiatry, and Veterinary Medicine. 

Here’s what you need to know now: 

  • Watch this Webinar! If you do nothing else before orientation, view THIS WEBINAR and take notes relevant to your pre-health journey. This includes all the information you will need to register for classes as a pre-health student. Some of your questions may be answered in the FAQ's at the bottom of this page.

  • Register for Classes. Attend your Orientation Session in July. Pre-Health Advisors will be in Clemons Library when the College of Arts & Sciences registers for classes. We can answer questions about your first semester at that time and look forward to seeing you in person! 

  • Time for changes. During Orientation, you will register for classes, but there is still time to make changes if you don’t get the perfect schedule during orientation. Registration will open back up in August and go through the drop/add period in the first week of classes. Pre-Health Advisors will hold drop-in advising hours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 1:30-4:30PM in Clemons Library, once classes are in session.  

  • Attend the Pre-Health Class of 2028 Meeting. On Monday, September 9, the Pre-Health Class of 2028 Meeting will take place in Newcomb Ballroom. In this meeting, we will review strategies for success in your Pre-Health journey at UVA and prepare you for a future application to a health professions program. First Year Students who attend this meeting will be eligible to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a Pre-Health Advisor.  All Pre-Health Students are expected to attend this meeting.  


Frequently Asked Questions for Course Registration

General Enrollment 

What do I need to take first semester in order to be successful?

Based on admissions data, we have found that successful matriculants to medical school and other health professions programs take ONE lab science in their first semester at UVA. This is typically General Chemistry I + Lab or Introduction to Biology with Lab. In addition, students, typically make any combination of the following classes in their first semester: English/Writing Composition, Behavioral Science, and/or Math/Statistics.

The advice above will keep you on track for applying to health professions programs with or without a bridge year. Attend the Class Year Meeting in September to learn more about application timing.

Do I need to major in Biology or another science-related major?

This is a common concern, but the vast majority of health professions programs (including medical school) do not have a preference for your academic major. You should major in something you enjoy while also taking the pre-requisites for your health professions program of interest! If you choose to major in Biology, the Biology Department recommends taking Chemistry and Biology in your first year.

There are no open sections of the class I need to take! What do I do?

Because introductory classes are so popular with first-year students, the departments often phase enrollment to save seats for later orientation sessions. We recommend joining waitlists for the classes you are interested and they will begin moving in August. Be patient, as the departments work hard to make sure as many students as possible get enrolled! Keep in mind that if you are on waitlists for multiple sections, there is no priority system and if you are enrolled in one section, you will be dropped from the waitlist in other sections.


AP Credit

Do health professions programs accept AP Credit for pre-requisite courses?

Health professions programs vary on whether they accept AP credit as completion of a prerequisite. Most programs accept the credit and also strongly recommend completion of upper-level coursework in the same discipline at the university level. For example, if you have AP Credit for Biology, you should plan to take upper-level Biology courses at UVA.

I have a BIOL 1000T Credit. Do I still need to take Biology?

Yes. BIOL 1000T does not count as Introduction to Biology. You need to take BIOL 2100 & 2200.

I have AP Credit for a pre-requisite. Do I need to retake the class?

This is a personal decision and you should choose what will be best for your educational journey. Students often benefit from retaking a class at the college level to support the foundation of their knowledge for more advanced classes and for entrance exams that may require a greater understanding of the material than what was expected on the AP exam. If you take a course you already have AP Credit for, you will no longer receive the AP Credit to fulfill graduation requirements. This is the same for IB Credit.

I have CHEM 1410 credit, but not 1411. Do I need to retake the lab?

This depends. If you took a lab in person and it is not showing up on your transcript, you should contact Cynthia Knight in the Chemistry Department to discuss the course you took and see if you are able to receive credit. However, if an in-person lab was not included in your curriculum, you should plan to retake General Chemistry Lab.


Dual Enrollment

Do health professions programs accept Dual Enrollment Credit?

Health professions programs vary on whether they accept DE credit as completion of a pre-requisite requirement. Most schools accept the credit, provided you earned a B or better. However, students are encouraged to complete upper-level coursework in the science disciplines to supplement dual enrollment credit.

Should I retake a course that I received DE Credit for?

This is a personal decision and you should choose what will be best for your educational journey. Students often benefit from retaking a class at the college level to support the foundation of their knowledge for more advanced classes and for entrance exams that may require a greater understanding of the material than was expected in their dual enrollment course. If you take a course you already have DE credit for, you will no longer receive the DE credit to fulfill graduation requirements.


English and Math Requirements

Do I need English courses for health professions programs?

Many health professions programs require completion of 1-2 semesters of writing courses. Completing your first and second writing requirements for UVA will satisfy an English/Writing requirement for most schools.

What math courses do I need to take?

Most health professions programs require 1 semester of calculus and 1 semester of statistics. You should select math courses based on your ability as well as UVA Degree requirements. Courses in Survey of Calculus, Calculus I or II, as well as Statistics satisfy prerequisites at most health professions programs.

Students often have AP Credit for calculus and/or statistics, and these courses are accepted by health professions programs. We recommend students take one math course while at UVA to demonstrate college-level proficiency. (Ex. If you have AP Calculus and Statistics credit, take a Biostatistics class).