
Handshake is the ultimate recruiting platform for students! Over 22 million students and young alumni from over 900 universities currently use the platform. It's where you can find UVA career resources, apply for jobs, schedule appointments and register for career events. Handshake is available to current, actively enrolled, degree-seeking UVA students. 


Making Handshake Work for You


How do I access Handshake?

You can access Handshake via the Career Center website (career.virginia.edu) or by going to virginia.joinhandshake.com. Login via your NetBadge. We encourage you to complete your profile in order to get the job recommendations, messages, and events that matter the most to you.

How do I learn the system?

Handshake has a number of tutorials and a great support team.  Below are quick resources to help you get started with Handshake.

What do I do if some of my profile information is incorrect?

Much of your information is brought over from the Student Information System, which comes straight from the Registrar. We recommend connecting with the Registrar's office to be sure your information is correct in SIS. For additional questions, please contact [email protected].

How do I gain access to On-Grounds Interviewing positions in Handshake?

Each new academic year students must complete the Online OGI Orientation Agreement before using Handshake to find OGI jobs and internships. This three minute online agreement gives you an overview of the UVA Recruiting Policies. Handshake will grant access to OGI opportunities 15 minutes of completing the survey.  Learn more about OGI here.

How do I sign up for Career Community newsletter in Handshake?

Students may identify interest in one or more career communities by clicking "Career Interests" on the right hand side and completing their profile. Are you missing a notification email? Missing job alerts or other expected Handshake emails? If these emails aren't being filtered out to a different folder (such as junk/spam), then it's likely your email has been unsubscribed from Handshake emails.  Learn how to to re-subscribe to Handshake emails. 

How do I find events and information sessions in Handshake?

Information sessions and career workshops can be found by clicking "Events" from the left hand menu and then selecting 'Information Sessions'. Career fairs can be found by clicking "Fairs" from the left hand menu.

    Sign Up For Career Community Newsletters

    Click Here


    1. Login at virginia.joinhandshake.com using NetBadge.
    2. To start building your profile, upload a resume.
    3. Once you've uploaded a resume, you can use it to fill in your profile.
    4. You can let others know about your passions, skills, and goals under "My Journey."
    5. Add any additional information on your schooling under "Education."
    6. Build on that by adding information on any work and volunteer experience you have been involved in over the years.
    7. Don't forget to list your extracurricular activities under "Organizations & Extracurriculars."
    8. Additionally, list some of the classes you've taken that are relevant to your career goals under "Courses."
    9. Any cool projects you've spearheaded or been involved in? "Projects" is your place to shine. These could be publications, photos, presentations, pitch decks, websites, etc.
    10. Continue strengthening your profile by adding your interests and skills into the left columns.
    11. Feel free to add any other supporting documents as well.
    12. Don't forget to make sure all your personal information is correct.
    13. Congrats, your profile is ready to go!

    Instructions for Setting up Your Handshake Profile

    OSZAR »